How Can Your Business Benefit From A VoIP Telephone System?

In this changing environment, communicating with colleagues is crucial for productivity and to keep business moving forward. Therefore, businesses need a telecommunications solution that is flexible and adaptable to their changing needs. Here at Northstar, we provide telecommunications solutions that reflect your business needs in this changing environment which is why we recommend a VoIP telephone system.

Here are six advantages that a VoIP telephone system can provide for your business.

  • Work from anywhere

    As more people choose to work from home, business owners need a telecommunications system that connects their workforce. With a VoIP telephone system, you can have a hosted telephone number linked to your mobile. As a result, you can take and transfer calls from your work number on the go, from home or wherever you are. This telephone system will also benefit roaming salespeople.
  • Cost-saving

    Having a VoIP telephone system means that there is little to no upfront cost and because you can use your existing handsets if they are compatible. Furthermore, there are no expensive phone contracts and no line rental because VoIP is a pay-as-you-go model, and you only pay for what you use.
  • Low maintenance

    We host your VoIP telephone system in the Cloud. As a result, there is no need for line maintenance, upgrades or site visits. You can manage all the numbers and extensions from an easy-to-use portal.
  • Enhanced features

    Having a telephone system over the internet means you can benefit from enhanced features that you cannot get from traditional telephone systems. For example, you can send texts, visual voicemail, chat, log call reports and record calls. Furthermore, you can add and take away these features easily from the portal. With traditional landlines, this would be impossible.
  • Reliability

    Copper wire phone lines are unreliable and subject to the environment. If there is a natural disaster, vandalism, hardware failure, electrical outages or software issues, your communication system could be unusable. Whereas VoIP relies on an internet connection which we manage.
  • Scalability

    Making changes to traditional phone lines takes weeks because you have to hire an engineer and change the physical hardware. But with VoIP telephone systems, you can make changes on the same day from the easy-to-use portal. With compatible handsets, you can scale your telephone extensions to suit your business needs. For example, if you move to a new location or have changes in employee numbers.

Northstar is ready to help your business benefit from a VoIP Telephone System. Get a quote today through our website

Published by northstarltd

Northstar is an industry-leading software to automate fault fixing. Our skill in IT security, IT support, digital transformation and server hosting, help businesses in Bristol and throughout the UK. We provide friendly, helpful staff that help make IT easier for all.

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